Derrick Schommer
Derrick Schommer, Owner

AwesomeDrinks is a New England based craft cocktail store run by Derrick and Jennifer schommer and have been in business since 2013. We’re an online-only store (no physical location) located in New Hampshire–a mom & pop Internet shop! 

We continue to seek out the best craft cocktail syrups, cocktail bitters and bar tools to make the everyday cocktail enthusiast a bit better at their craft.

We specialize in syrups, flavorings and cocktail bitters and carry just the bar tools you need to get the job done. We pride ourselves on understanding the products we’re selling and use most of them on a week to week basis hosting parties or bartending for friends and family.

If you have questions about a product, a bitter pairing, which glassware works for your needs or what syrups are hot this season, just contact us and we’ll get back to you with an answer.